Audio Datasets & Voice Datasets

Audio Datasets & Voice Datasets in various languages for speech recognition training. Prompt delivery of large quantities of high-quality, human-generated training data for the optimization of your speech recognition systems.

Audio Datasets & Voice Datasets

Audio Datasets & Voice Datasets for Speech Recognition Training by clickworker

More than 6 million global Clickworkers are at your disposal to create specific speech recognition datasets (Audio Datasets & Voice Datasets), transcribe voice recordings (Audio Transcription) and classify audio files (Audio Classification) according to your specifications in more than 30 languages and numerous dialects.

Application Examples:

Audio Datasets & Voice Datasets Harvesting

Creation of Speech Recognition Datasets

Each human voice and speech pattern is unique. They differ in intonation, pace, pronunciation and dialect. These factors complicate the development of automated speech recognition systems.

A reliable speech recognition system must be trained using a high volume of high-quality audio datasets & voice datasets and developed by a diverse group of individuals to cover the range of human language nuances and, as such, be capable of performing the correct actions.

Our crowd provides you with speech recognition datasets on

  • How people phrase and pronounce instructions to voice assistants
  • How people respond and comment to speech recognition systems
  • How people pronounce and emphasize pre-defined sentences
  • How clearly sentences are understood when they are said by people of diverse origins and with different background noise
Audio Datasets & Voice Datasets Harvesting


  • Large quantities of audio datasets & voice datasets in a concise amount of time
  • Thousands of varied and authentic voice patterns
  • A significant number of languages and dialects
  • Voice recordings in various environments
  • Large quantities of audio datasets & voice datasets in a concise amount of time
  • Thousands of varied and authentic voice patterns
  • A significant number of languages and dialects
  • Voice recordings in various environments
Audio Datasets & Voice Datasets Harvesting

Transcription of Audio Datasets & Voice Datasets

Audio Transcription

High-performance speech recognition systems that convert authentic language into text require extensive human-made audio datasets & voice datasets for machine learning.

With the help of our international pool of Clickworkers, we provide voice recordings while also doing audio transcriptions in a variety of languages. The audio transcriptions are only processed by qualified Clickworkers, performed precisely as directed and checked before being accepted.

This important training data enables your speech recognition system to continue learning and achieving optimal results:

  • Large quantities of audio transcriptions in a brief amount of time
  • Numerous languages available
  • Correct punctuation
  • Commentary available specific to the audio files
  • Various data formats
  • Quality check of audio transcriptions

Classification of Audio Datasets & Voice Datasets

Audio Classification

Speech recognition systems that are meant to learn how to communicate and perform actions must be able to correctly interpret, assess and place the spoken word in the appropriate context.

Our Clickworkers can filter out this information from audio files and make them available as training data for your speech recognition system.

Analyses can include, for example, the emotional tonality as well as the subject matter of the spoken text, as well as the quality of the audio file (specific to clear sound, articulation and accuracy of the voice commands).

The analysis of this data provides your system with first-rate audio datasets, as well as more detailed content-related information about the audio files, all optimized for use in human interaction:

  • Swift quality filtering for large quantities of audio files
  • High-quality analysis of the content with human intellect
  • Numerous languages
  • Quality check of audio classifications
Audio Datasets & Voice Datasets Harvesting

Clickworker App

With the Clickworker App (for Android and IOS) Clickworkers can create audio datasets & voice datasets (speech recognition datasets) and transfer them to you from anywhere in the world.

Clickworker App Signin

Log in

Clickworker App select task

Select Task

Clickworker App create audio datasets

Create Audio Recordings

Clickworker App send audio datasets

Send Audio Dataset

Job opportunities for our Clickworker to create speech recognition datasets are set-up according to your specifications and requirements. In addition to content and background noises you can also specify the audio length, number and format. It is also possible to include geo-data in the delivery of every audio recording.

Managed Service
Audio Datasets & Voice Datasets

Your consultant from our team will discuss the objectives of the project with you. Based on this information, our qualified project managers will set up the tasks according to your specifications. Only qualified Clickworkers will be authorized to work on your speech recognition dataset project.
If desired, specialized task training as a prerequisite for working on your project can also be organized.

All of the audio datasets & voice datasets created by our Clickworkers, as well as the audio transcriptions and assessments, will be subject to a final check which guarantees you to only receive high-quality speech recognition datasets.

Complementary Solutions for our Service Audio Datasets & Voice Datasets for Speech Recognition Training

Image Annotation Services

Image annotation for training computer vision models

This service provides a large amount of high-quality training data for your computer vision models in a concise period. Our Clickworkers mark image elements with bounding boxes, polygons or key points, use pixel-accurate semantic segmentations and label or tag the markings.

Image datasets

Image datasets as training data for image recognition systems

With this service, you can order AI training data in the form of numerous photographs which our Clickworkers create to meet the specific requirements of your training objectives. Our Clickworkers can take selfies for training facial recognition and recognition of emotions, as well as capture photographs of nearby objects, places of interest, traffic situations, animals, etc. to aid in the training of your image recognition systems.

Video Datasets

Video datasets as training data for machine learning

This service provides you with video data sets created by our worldwide-based team of Clickworkers based on your exact specifications. Depending on the model used to train your AI system, Clickworkers can create videos of themselves, motion sequences, nearby objects, pets etc.

An overview of our AI training data services can be found here: AI Datasets for Machine Learning

Speech Recognition Datasets – FAQ

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions on speech recognition datasets and on our solution at clickworker.
For any further questions do not hesitate to contact our Service Team.

What is Speech Recognition?

Speech recognition works by having the user utter a command or sentence that is recorded and matched against a database of words. The software then matches what was said with one in the database that is most likely what the user meant. This process allows for a more natural and conversational type of interaction with technology.
A speech recognition dataset is a collection of audio-recorded dictations that have been transcribed into text. They can be used to train and improve the accuracy of voice-enabled applications such as speech-to-text and speech recognition

Why is voice and sound data a must for Speech Recognition training?

Voice and sound data are very important for speech recognition because it allows the computer to understand what is being said. Speech recognition training data is a set of audio files that have been recorded by multiple speakers and are meant to be used for speech recognition software. These recordings can also serve as a model for speech recognition software to provide improved performance. To be successful, it needs a word file or text file with the phrases you want the software to recognize.

Why are Audio Datasets and Voice Datasets needed?

An audio dataset is a collection of sound files that have been tagged with metadata. The datasets are compiled for the purpose of analysis and can be used to understand how people use music, sound, and language in everyday life. There are two main types of audio datasets available at clickworker. These include human transcribed speech and text-to-speech one-word files.
When audio datasets are used, they serve as the most appropriate data set for speech recognition and natural language processing. Speech can be modulated by a variety of factors that may impact accuracy. Inputs for machine learning models usually come in the form of text and images, but audio is a great source of data that can provide rich information about human behavior. Audio datasets are more readily available and more widely used than other types of data. Audio datasets are rich in information about human behavior, which can be helpful for machine learning models to make predictions with greater accuracy.

What is Audio Transcription and Audio Classification?

The task of classifying and transcribing sound is related to speech recognition. It requires the ability to understand spoken language, recognize sounds to identify words or phrases that can be found in speech, and then transcribe the words that are spoken into text.