Brand Communication – Short Conceptual Explanation

Brand communication is a combination of activities such as advertising, social media and reviews that are used to communicate with customers.

Brand communication takes place every time a potential customer or client interacts with a particular brand. It could mean seeing a logo online or signing up for a newsletter. Developing a consistent brand will make all methods of communication more effective.

Brand Communication Takes Place Every Time a Customer Interacts With a Business

Brand communication is a broad term that encompasses every instance when a potential customer or client interacts with a company in a multitude of ways. That includes:

  • Billboards
  • Radio advertising
  • TV commercials
  • Online and paper newsletters
  • Business cards
  • Social media
  • Online reviews

It also includes the interactions that people have with a business in person. Communicating directly with an employee of the company on the phone, in the store, or at a tradeshow also qualifies as brand communication.

It doesn’t necessarily need to be expensive. Only companies with a lot of money will purchase billboard ads or television commercials. Less expensive options include using a vehicle wrap to advertise on the road or starting a blog.

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The Importance of Brand Communication

It is important for companies to spend time developing communication strategies because it is essential to building the entire brand. Without an effective strategy, a brand is likely to fail. In order for people to purchase goods and services, they have to know those goods and services exist, and they know they exist thanks to brand communication.

Deciding how to communicate is important, but the frequency of communication and the accessibility are also important.

In general, more communication is better. A few rules of thumb to follow include:

  • Posting to your blog at least once a week
  • Plan to post to social media once or twice a day
  • Send out emails at least once a week, but send them more often if you’re offering special deals

Quality brand communications are ones that make a company accessible. In today’s day and age, that can be difficult.

That’s because there are many channels that potential customers and clients are using to research new products and services. In order to remain accessible, it is important to utilize multiple communication strategies.

Brand Communication

The Content in Brand Communication Matters

What is communicated in the content is important. If the content and quality of communications aren’t high, it doesn’t matter how many strategies are employed.

Good brand communication means sharing a message that will easily be received. Communications are most likely to be successful if the company is:

  • An expert in its field
  • Well-known
  • Likeable

Most businesses will find it easy to demonstrate their expertise by sharing tips, offering warranties, and answering questions in their communications with customers and clients. Being likeable or well-known requires more planning and skill.

Consistency Between Communication Channels

The last aspect of brand communication is about being consistent between all channels. Logos should appear exactly alike on packaging, business cards, and internet ads. Colors and images that are used in communications should be consistent as well.

Tone is an important consideration too. How a company sounds when it communicates with its customers and clients must remain constant. For example, a law firm would use a very educated, professional approach while a California surf shop would use a more informal tone.

Brand Awareness

Effective Communication Strategies Take Time

Because there are so many facets of effective brand communication, it can take a lot of time. Many businesses choose to hire professional marketing teams that may include:

  • Website developers
  • Designers
  • Content writers
  • SEO specialists
  • Social media marketers

Hiring a team to create and maintain brand communication is popular with many companies because it is effective. It can also free up time for employees to focus on other aspects of the business.