Snackable Content – Short Conceptual Explanation

Snackable content includes different kinds of website content that are small and easy to consume. It can include text, videos, and images. It is designed to be viewed in just a few moments, meaning it can be viewed nearly anywhere, at any time on a mobile device. Because it is easy to consume, it’s an effective marketing strategy. Today’s internet users are more likely to hop online for just a few minutes at a time, multiple times a day, as opposed to logging on for longer periods of time as was the norm decades ago.

Types of snackable content

Snackable content is identified by how long it takes to consume, not necessarily what kind of content is being displayed. Just like a snack is meant to be consumed in a few minutes, while a meal may take half an hour or more, shorter content is meant to be consumed in just a few seconds, while traditional content, like blog articles, may take five, ten, or more minutes.

This format works well with nearly any kind of content that can be posted on the internet including:

  • Short excerpts of texts, like the updates that are seen on Twitter.
  • Videos that are just a few seconds up to a minute in length, as can be seen on Instagram.
  • Pictures, especially those that are used in memes.
  • Infographics that share in-depth information with a quick glance.

Although snackable content can be found all over the Internet, it is especially popular on social media platforms. These sites are designed for posting quick updates and viewing feeds that are full of this kind of content.


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Snackable Content

The problem with snackable content

Some argue that shorter content is dumbing down the Internet. Instead of providing valuable information, it can only provide a snippet or two of information at a time. Although this may be true in some cases, many brands are using short content in innovative and meaningful ways.

Multiple pieces of short content can be used in succession to tell a larger story. For example, the short videos posted on Instagram can lead into each other to create a longer story. Snackable content can also be used as a teaser, encouraging users to seek out and consume other, more traditional forms of content.