Website Texts – Brief Explanation

Website texts are texts that are created especially for use on the Internet. Text is the most important part of most websites – even ahead of other formats such as image and video. Various features distinguish website texts from other types of texts. These include a specific HTML design and search engine optimization.

Website Texts for Fast Reads

As a unique breed of text, website web texts differ from print primarily due to the sheer volume of instantly available online content on identical subjects, increasing the likelihood of users switching to another page.

Users read website texts differently than print texts. They scan for specific information and are much more selective. The Internet user is accustomed to quickly and easily obtaining the desired information. Hence, web texts typically have these distinctive features:

  • The paragraphs are short. Each paragraph deals with no more than one subject matter.
  • The text is divided into many subheadings.
  • There are numerous numbered and unnumbered lists.
  • The text incorporates internal and external links.
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Tips for Good Website Texts

What makes a good website text? In most cases the answer is quite simple: The text is successful when it contributes to the user performing the desired conversion. A good website text can lead the reader to his/her goal. This goal can be the purchase of a product, the click to a subsequent page or the transfer of data (for instance, signing up for a newsletter.)

These texts generally work according to a simple principle – first by arousing interest, and then by providing a quick and simple solution. The three most important features of a good website text are:

  • Choice of words and tone are directed at the respective target group.
  • Short paragraphs, short sentences and avoiding long words make a text clearer and easier to read.
  • Subheadings, bullet points and information panels break up the text.

However, some websites are not aiming for a specifically measurable conversion. In content marketing, texts focus on information and content – whatever it is the Internet user is searching for. An informative text with added value for the reader strengthens the reputation of the company that is providing this text.

Active speech helps making a web text easier to understand. Passive constructions seem slow and laborious, whereas active constructions add momentum to a text. For example:

  • Passive: The text is read by the user.
  • Active: The user reads the text.

Keywords for SEO

On the Internet, users generally land on a website text page via a Google search query. The better a text ranks on Google, the higher the digital attention will be. Good web texts are therefore search engine optimized. The Google algorithms are trained to recognize the relevance of a text for a specific search term based on keywords and synonyms.

In a search engine optimized text the main keyword must therefore appear with a certain frequency: approximately 1 to 2% of the words. In addition, it contains synonyms and words within the context of the main keyword. However, an inflationary collection of the search term is damaging. Keyword spamming can have a negative influence on the Google ranking.

In the early years of the World Wide Web, keywords were ascribed with an overwhelming significance – today the use of search engine optimized keywords is more reserved. Finally, the quality of the website text and user feedback are what determine a good Google ranking. Google measures the dwell time and takes a negative stance on high bounce rates.

Google also Appreciates Correct HTML

HTML is the Internet language. This markup language is used to format and structure Internet pages. This is of interest to the visual display of a page in the browser as well as to the SEO. Google’s robots “read” HTML. The current HTML5 standard includes many elements that clearly display the semantic significance of text sections:

  • Headlines (<h1>, <h2> etc.) and paragraphs (<p>) make the text clear and give it structure.
  • Accents and emphases (<strong> and <em>) are eye-catchers for the readers and are also noticed by Google.
  • Lists (<ul> and <ol>) break up the visuals of a text. They provide the reader with orientation.
  • Other semantic HTML markups are for instance <nav> for navigation, <article> for a self-contained article or <blockquote> for a quote.

Furthermore, web texts contain invisible elements. For instance the meta tag description, which is ideally filled with a short and precise summary. This small text (known as a snippet) appears in the Google search results list as a short description of the respective website content. The more accurate this text is, the higher the probability that the user will visit the page.

How to write successful website texts

Creating successful website texts is an art that combines the science of SEO with the creativity of copywriting. It’s not just about informing your readers; it’s about engaging them, providing value, and prompting them to take action. This chapter will guide you through the essential steps to write web texts that resonate with your audience and fulfill your site’s objectives.

Understand Your Audience

Before you type a single word, you must understand who you’re writing for. Create audience personas to represent the typical visitors to your website. These personas should include demographics, psychographics, and behavioral traits. Knowing your audience will help you tailor your message and the tone of your text to their preferences and expectations.

Define the Purpose

Every piece of text on your website should serve a purpose. Whether it’s to inform, entertain, persuade, or convert, be clear about what you want to achieve. This will shape the content of your writing and the calls-to-action (CTAs) you will incorporate.

Simplify the Language

The average internet user wants information quickly and easily. Use simple language and short sentences to make your texts readable and understandable. Break down complex ideas into bite-sized, digestible pieces. Tools like the Hemingway Editor can help ensure your texts are clear and concise.

Make It Scannable

Most web users scan content to find the information they need. Structure your texts with headlines, subheadings, bullet points, and numbered lists to facilitate scanning. Each heading should give a clear idea of the information that follows, allowing readers to jump directly to the section relevant to them.

Optimize for Search Engines

Incorporate relevant keywords to make your texts search engine friendly. However, avoid keyword stuffing, as it can detract from the readability and quality of your content. Use keywords naturally within the text, and remember to include them in your titles and meta descriptions as well.

Use a Conversational Tone

Engage your readers as if you’re having a conversation with them. A conversational tone can make your content more relatable and easier to digest. It can also help establish a connection with your audience, increasing the likelihood of them staying on your page.

Tell a Story

Storytelling can be a powerful tool in web texts. It can make your content more memorable and help to illustrate points more effectively. Share anecdotes, user testimonials, or case studies to make your content more engaging.

Edit Ruthlessly

After writing your first draft, edit mercilessly. Cut out any fluff, check for grammatical errors, and ensure that every sentence adds value. Tools like Grammarly can be invaluable during this process.


In the realm of digital communication, crafting successful website texts is a strategic endeavor that fuses technical SEO knowledge with the narrative flair of storytelling. At the heart of this process lies a deep understanding of one’s audience, sculpting content that resonates and prompts engagement. The artistry of website text composition flourishes under the principles of clarity, conciseness, and user-centric navigation, all while adhering to SEO best practices to enhance visibility.

With succinct language, interactive elements, and a conversational tone, texts come alive, guiding the user to meaningful interactions and fostering enduring digital connections. Hence, the penultimate goal is to transform mere visitors into engaged participants in the digital ecosystem, leveraging every word to cultivate a thriving online presence.