Cognitive Computing – Hype or Progress?

Cognitive Computing

First, there was artificial intelligence, then the terms machine learning and deep learning followed. And now there is cognitive computing. What’s so special about this new concept? Is it just a new buzzword from the IT scene that can be exploited for marketing purposes? Or is it a new approach that brings machines one step closer to human thinking?

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What is AI really capable of? Dispelling Eight Myths about Artificial Intelligence

Myths Artificial Intelligence

The world of fairy tales should be a matter of movies and books, but when it comes to artificial intelligence, dubious “AI” companies and ill-informed bloggers become veritable fabulists. The truth is that AI will change the working world, but many statements about artificial intelligence definitely belong in the realm of myths and fairy tales.

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Is Google Misogynistic?

Google Search

Is Google misogynistic? The ranking for certain keywords certainly provides grounds for this suspicion. However, the phenomenon of unequal treatment isn’t really the fault of the algorithms but is a fundamental problem with the German language. And those who want to can ensure for themselves that the results list is free from discrimination.

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Text classification – areas of application on the Internet

Text classifications

There are billions of websites with countless texts on the Internet. This makes it difficult to keep track of them. Text classification is a method that provides an overall view and structures the offer. Which application areas are there for text classifications in the World Wide Web?

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Realistic training data for machine learning

training data for machine learning

Data are the foundation for training algorithms. The more realistic the data, the better the results. This is because artificial intelligence is based on precise and reliable information for training its algorithms. This is obvious but it is often overlooked. The training data are realistic when they reflect the data that the AI system gathers in real operation. Unrealistic data sets prevent machine learning and lead to expensive false interpretations.

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A Snapshot of AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning

Machine Learning

Real-world examples, prominent use cases, and AI’s (artificial intelligence) potential

The industrialized world is full of machines that outdo humans in strength and speed. Cranes lift steel beams to towering heights, car engines send passengers flying down the road at impossible speeds, and tree shredders pulverize entire pine trunks in a snap. Such inventions replicate and vastly outperform humans at tasks requiring physical exertion. They possess “artificial brawn”.

What then is artificial intelligence?

At a first pass, we can think of AI as a machine (i.e., a computer) replicating human cognitive tasks. A calculator, for example, embodies basic AI to do a job for which humans must use their brains: math.

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Image annotation and artificial intelligence

Image annotation

Everyone has heard something about artificial intelligence. However, the term image annotation is less common. Image annotation describes the classification of information that is of relevance to an image. Recognizing the content of images is an important factor for many automatized processes. In order for machines to capture the meaning and individual components of images, artificial intelligence is required, in which a human-like analysis of images is simulated. To achieve this, countless training data in terms of human input are required.

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