Cryptocurrency: A means of payment for your Internet business?


Cryptocurrencies are fun and rev up the business? It certainly looks like it when we take a look at the market trends of the most popular digital currencies. But what is crypto money? Does it have a real value, or is it only an object of speculation? Should you accept crypto money as a means of payment for your Internet business? This blog post wants to provide answers to the many questions on the subject.

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Crowdsourcing from its beginnings to the present

evolution of crowdsourcing

Crowdsourcing has its origins in the early 21st century. Wrong! You don’t believe it? We did some research regarding the beginnings of crowdsourcing and came across some fascinating information, which we want to share with you.

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Customer Journey Map – How to know and accompany your customer’s journey

Customer Journey Map

Today we want to devote ourselves to the classic marketing concept of the customer journey and the associated map. Your customer’s journey has various stations and each one of them more or less determines whether their journey continues or if the customer abandons it. But first, a little bit of theory.

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Getting rid of errors – How to correct your texts quickly and effectively

Text Correction

Most people react negatively to texts that contain mistakes. A text that contains errors throws a bad light on the quality of the services and products the company offers. You must therefore do everything possible to avoid errors. The following are a few tips to help prevent “error blindness”. We are also including typical spelling mistakes, comma tips and a few helpful spelling tools.


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SEO Content – Text optimization by text expansion or re-writing?

Text optimization

When a website is going to be optimized for Google and other search engines the text passages on the individual pages are especially important. They have to namely demonstrate to Google the value they offer users. In many cases these texts already exist. Often though their content is too lean, as Google loves copy with depth. So the question arises: is it better to enhance these texts (text optimization), or start over and write new ones? After all a copy overhaul can be done more cost-effectively than having a completely new article written. We’ll take a look at whether that is true, and when which approach makes the most sense.

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Strolling through shops with your smartphone… Job: Photo Shopper

Lately more and more projects can be found on clickworker that can be, or in some cases must be, performed outside the home. Here we present a little photo shopper guide, so that you can hit the streets armed with your smartphone.

Known to experts as point of sales (POS) analysis or product audits, the related job counterparts in the freelance world are collectively termed, for example, mystery shopping, even though strictly speaking no explicit shopping activity takes place. The requirements however are similar: you are asked to visit a store, and take pictures of specific products, shelves or promotional displays, and then upload the photos. Sometimes this job is also combined with 2 or 3 questions about the product presentation. At clickworker we therefore often refer to this kind of task as “photo shopping.”

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Customer Insight Management – Meaning, Challenges and Opportunities

Customer Insight

Customer information is of great value for any company. Using it they can determine strategies for the future, acquire their customers directly with individually tailored products, targeted offers as well as communication methods and lead them to conversion. However the knowhow, time and resources required to gather and evaluate this information are often lacking. For that reason there are people who have specialized in just this sort of task – obtaining and assessing customer information – the so-called customer insight manager.
In this blog post we take a closer look at the challenges and opportunities of customer insight management.

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Define Your Own Crowd with the Building of Teams

building crowd teams

In our marketplace you can build any number of Clickworker teams for yourself, which can then either be chosen or excluded during the job creation process.


Reasons to create Teams

Usage of Expert Teams

Work Teams
Logically a team of Clickworkers can be put together whose previous work you have been especially pleased with. This allows you to direct the work upcoming jobs specifically to the Clickworkers on your expert team. In this way you can better guide the results and help align them with your expectations.

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clickworker Survey Service – New Features and Integrated Survey Tool

Survey Tool

At the beginning of the year we developed a new self-service “Surveys” offering for you. Since then we have received a lot of positive responses, and are pleased with the high usage rate of the service. We also received some customer requests regarding an even faster, as well as more individual execution of your surveys. We took these to heart and now, together with some ideas of our own, have implemented an advanced version of the “Surveys” service.

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Use of images and videos on websites

Use of images and videos on websites

Photos, graphics and videos make up an integral component of today’s successful websites. Whether a company’s internet presence, an online store, or a portal for a gallery, museum or travel agency, the use of images and videos on websites effectively support the provided content and significantly enhance these websites for both users and search engines.

Utilizing media on internet portals is a trend that can be observed all over the web. Companies want to improve their image on their website with photos and videos, and make their brand more well-known, online shops want to market their products, and organizations want to disseminate important information. But galleries, museums and archives also want to make their photos, images of objects or videos available to the largest number of visitors possible. Photos and videos arouse curiosity in the viewer, and create an incentive to engage more closely with the products or services.

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