Creating Online Lexica and Online Glossaries

Online Glossaries

Corporate identity, crossmedia and workflow, resilience and synergy – the language of the modern world teems with Anglicisms, buzzwords and special terms whose meaning is not immediately clear to everyone. Online lexica and online glossary texts can provide relief where internet surfers or media users are in danger of getting lost in the jungle of foreign words and digital tech jargon.

Online lexica and glossaries simply and concisely explain a subject’s complicated terms and in this way make the issue being discussed understandable for a wider audience. Online lexica, as a separate electronic database, provide the user systematically organized, general or specialized information that is as comprehensive as possible. On the other hand, online glossary texts are attachments (so-called addendums) to a blog or website, that further define the central technical terms used in the article by providing synonyms, translations or explanatory sentences.
Today’s printed or digital glossaries consist of lists of terms and their explanations, usually arranged in alphabetical order. Their origin goes back to antiquity where it was common to use marginal notes (so-called glosses) to facilitate the reading of written works. The most well-known online lexicon, available in various language versions, is offered by the free-licensed encyclopedia Wikipedia, which is compiled by many co-authors.

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What makes a good fashion text? A short guide

Anyone who is online comes across product descriptions. Online fashion shops not only rely on great pictures but also on the powers of persuasion of talented writers to present their items in the proper light. The everyday tasks of many of our Clickworkers involve writing product descriptions or category texts because clients need more than just a great picture. They also need an appealing text to know what makes a piece of clothing so special.

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Crowdsourcing in tourism

Crowdsourcing in tourism

As a whole, the United States, China and Germany are the major travel nations. But many other countries have followed suit with regard to tourism. Worldwide, spending for travel services has been on the increase for years. The tourism industry is obviously delighted! However, the pleasure is even greater when the use of crowdsourcing provides the tourism industry with effective support to handle increased and new challenges. We want to present a few practical project examples.

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From old to new – the new Clickworker profile

Things are really moving at clickworker! Since the Clickworker profile is getting a bit old, we decided to renew everything. And now we proudly present the new Clickworker Profile. But don’t worry – this only affects the User Profile – Workplace, Work History etc. all remain unchanged.

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Show us your skills! Qualify for Clickworker jobs with certificates

For the main part, being a Clickworker is about writing creative texts. There are plenty of tasks waiting to be processed. Clickworkers with sufficient writing experience can soon qualify as correctors. This qualification enables them to access and process more tasks.

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HELP, I can´t save!

Sometimes it happens: you´re trying to save an assignment and all you get is an error message. Often this can happen with an error that is easy to fix, which blocks you from being able to save.

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