Artificial Intelligence – Sentiment Analysis Using NLP

Sentiment Analysis Using NLP

Artificial Intelligence is becoming more and more prominent in our everyday life. From Google Assistant to Apple’s Siri, we can interact with computers, smartphones, and other devices as if they were human beings.

However, while a computer can answer and respond to simple questions, recent innovations also let them learn and understand human emotions.

One of the latest uses of Artificial intelligence is sentiment analysis using natural language processing (NLP).

To do a sentiment analysis, you now have the option of utilizing advanced AI, including machine learning, Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4, Gemini, Llama3, and deep learning techniques. These programs and models can analyze text to find certain emotions or moods that people express through their writing, in images, or video with improved accuracy and understanding of nuances in language.

The goal of sentiment analysis is to understand what someone feels about something and figure out how they think about it and the actionable steps based on that understanding.

Why Is Sentiment Analysis Important?

As governments and organizations start to use AI more for crucial decisions that impact our lives, sentiment analysis is essential for building feedback into those systems.

For example, by analyzing sentiments from social media, news, and forums, organizations can address biases, tailor communication strategies, and ensure more equitable AI systems.

Sentiment analysis becomes essential for oversight, allowing timely interventions when AI decisions are perceived as unfair or biased.

How Machine Learning Influences Sentiment Analysis

The landscape of sentiment analysis has been significantly transformed by the advent of deep learning techniques and Large Language Models (LLMs). Technologies like GPT-4 have become indispensable due to their sophisticated ability to grasp intricate patterns, interpret ambiguous language, and understand the impact of negation on sentiment—surpassing traditional machine learning methods, often without needing a text preprocessing step.

Deep learning, particularly through neural networks, mimics how humans learn languages, enabling the analysis of not just the literal meaning of words but their underlying sentiments and intentions.

These models are now also adept at domain adaptation, allowing for industry-specific training and customization which enhances performance across various contexts. Moreover, the integration of multilingual and multimodal data furthers our ability to understand sentiments on a broader, more comprehensive scale.

How Sentiment Analysis is Used in the Real World

Sentiment analysis has profound applications across various sectors. Some typical applications include:

  1. Social Media Monitoring: Platforms like Twitter are goldmines for sentiment analysis. Companies can track mentions, hashtags, and overall brand sentiment in real-time. This allows for quick responses to emerging trends or potential PR issues.
  2. For example the US Agency for International Development used sentiment analysis in its social media listening project to help increase awareness of reproductive health in West Africa.
  3. Customer Feedback Analysis: By applying sentiment analysis to user feedback from surveys, reviews, Tweets, emails, and support tickets, companies can gain deeper insights into customer satisfaction. This can be particularly useful for calculating Net Promoter Scores (NPS) and identifying areas for improvement in products or services.
  4. Political and Social Research: Sentiment analysis can be used to gauge public opinion on political issues, candidates, or social movements by analyzing large corpora of social media posts, news articles, and comments.
  5. Market Research: Businesses can use sentiment analysis to understand consumer attitudes towards new products, marketing campaigns, or competitors. This can inform product development and marketing strategies.
  6. Healthcare and Wellbeing: Sentiment analysis of patient feedback and social media posts can provide insights into public health trends, patient satisfaction with healthcare providers, and even mental health indicators like happiness or stress levels in populations.

These applications often involve processing large volumes of text data, requiring robust sentiment analysis software and advanced analytics techniques. The sentiment scores derived from these analyses can provide valuable metrics for decision-makers across various sectors.

Using NLP for Sentiment Analysis

Advanced NLP techniques, especially those used in models like GPT-4, play a crucial role in sentiment analysis today. These techniques are pivotal for capturing the semantic meaning behind phrases, including colloquial expressions and non-standard grammar structures. Additionally, they excel in interpreting short and noisy text from social media, which includes a wide variety of abbreviations, acronyms, emojis, and other symbols.

Types of Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis today involves a broader range of categories including urgency (urgent, not urgent), and intentions (interested v. not interested), among others. It now leverages sophisticated AI and NLP tools for a deeper, more nuanced understanding of sentiments.

  • Fine-grained sentiment analysis – now benefits from the nuanced understanding models like GPT-4 provide, enabling a more accurate sentiment spectrum from very positive to very negative.
  • Emotion detection – has been enhanced with advanced algorithms capable of quickly identifying customer sentiments, significantly improving response times to complaints and queries.
  • Aspect-based sentiment analysis – now utilizes deep learning to precisely analyze specific features in product reviews and how consumers perceive these features.

The evolution of AI models and deep learning techniques has notably advanced sentiment analysis capabilities, providing more accurate, nuanced, and effective strategies than ever before.

How Does Sentiment Analysis with NLP Work?

At the core of sentiment analysis, recent advancements have revolutionized traditional methods. While NLP – natural language processing – technologies utilize algorithms to analyze unstructured text data, the introduction of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI have significantly enhanced this process. These advanced models offer more accurate, context-sensitive sentiment analysis capabilities by understanding entire conversations and capturing nuanced expressions more effectively than their predecessors.

To leverage these advancements, algorithms must be trained with large amounts of annotated data, which now includes not just simple expressions tagged as ‘positive’ or ‘negative’, but also complex conversational nuances, sarcasm, and intricate expressions. This training allows for a more sophisticated interpretation of sentiments.

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Audio Datasets Sentiment Analysis

The training process involves annotators labeling complex data based on nuanced sentiment interpretation, significantly beyond mere ‘good’ or ‘bad’ dichotomies. For instance, the context in which words are used and the overall conversational flow are considered for a more accurate sentiment prediction.

Upon completing the training, these advanced algorithms can extract and analyze key sentiments from texts, effectively handling sarcasm and context, which traditional methods struggled with. With these advancements, sentiment analysis can be performed more accurately and on a broader scale without extensive human intervention.

Why Is Sentiment Analysis Important?

Sentiment analysis remains crucial for understanding consumer sentiment trends toward products or services. With the advent of Generative AI and LLMs, automated sentiment analysis has become more nuanced, allowing businesses to make more informed decisions based on social media conversations, reviews, user data, and other sources.

The sentiment analysis market, driven by rapid advancements in AI technology, has experienced growth beyond initial projections. While the market was expected to grow from USD 3.6 billion in 2020 to USD 6.4 billion by 2025, current trends suggest an even greater expansion, emphasizing the crucial and expanding role of sentiment analysis across various sectors.

Today, the application of sentiment analysis spans beyond market research and customer service optimization. The customization of LLMs for domain-specific data has opened new avenues for text sentiment analysis tools in targeted marketing campaigns, public relations management, crisis monitoring/management, understanding customer intent, response to advertisements, and brand reputation analysis.

Understanding consumer sentiment—whether positive or negative—allows businesses to empathize with their audience, leveraging feedback for product or service improvement. This insight can lead to the identification of market gaps and the creation of innovative solutions, potentially ushering in the next big industry breakthrough.

The Role of Deep Learning and Multimodal Analysis

Deep learning, particularly through architectures such as transformers, has significantly advanced the capabilities of algorithms in understanding complex linguistic structures, idioms, and cultural nuances.

Simultaneously, multimodal sentiment analysis recognizes the importance of non-textual inputs. Analyzing images, videos, and how they interact with textual data opens new dimensions for understanding sentiments, especially with so much of communication online hapening through photos, memes, and videos.

NLP vs LLM Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis has evolved significantly with the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs), offering new possibilities and improved performance compared to traditional Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. Let’s explore the key differences and advantages of LLMs over traditional NLP methods for sentiment analysis.

Traditional NLP Approaches

Traditional NLP approaches to sentiment analysis typically involve:

Dictionary-based methods: These sentiment analysis algorithms use predefined dictionaries of words associated with positive or negative sentiments, and then count the occurrences of those words. These methods have the lowest complexity, but tend to have a lower accuracy score on benchmarks than other methodologies.

Machine learning techniques: Models like Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machines (SVM), and neural networks, used within frameworks such Scikit-learn are trained on labeled datasets to classify sentiment and text intent.

Feature engineering: Techniques such as bag-of-words, TF-IDF, and n-grams are first vectorize text and then extract relevant features.

These methods have been widely used and can be effective, especially for specific domains or languages. For instance, a study on Bengali sentiment analysis showed that traditional models like Bi-LSTM, LSTM, and GRU achieved reasonable accuracy.

Python Sentiment Analysis Example Using Traditional NLP

import nltk
from nltk.sentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
from textblob import TextBlob

# Download the NLTK sentiment analysis model'vader_lexicon')

def analyze_sentiment_nltk(text):
    sia = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
    sentiment_scores = sia.polarity_scores(text)
    return sentiment_scores

def analyze_sentiment_textblob(text):
    blob = TextBlob(text)
    return blob.sentiment.polarity

# Example usage
text = "I love this product! It's amazing and works perfectly."

# NLTK analysis
nltk_sentiment = analyze_sentiment_nltk(text)
print("NLTK Sentiment:", nltk_sentiment)

# TextBlob analysis
textblob_sentiment = analyze_sentiment_textblob(text)
print("TextBlob Sentiment:", textblob_sentiment)


LLM-based Approaches

Large Language Models have introduced several advantages for sentiment analysis:

Improved accuracy: LLMs often outperform traditional methods in sentiment classification tasks. For example, BERT-based models achieved 92.5% accuracy in Bengali sentiment classification, surpassing traditional approaches.

Contextual understanding: LLMs can capture nuanced contextual information, leading to more accurate sentiment analysis, especially for complex or ambiguous texts.

Transfer learning: Pre-trained LLMs can be fine-tuned for specific sentiment analysis tasks, reducing the need for large labeled datasets.

Multi-lingual capabilities: LLMs can perform sentiment analysis across multiple languages with minimal adaptation.

Aspect-based sentiment analysis: LLMs excel at identifying sentiments related to specific aspects of a product or service, providing more granular insights.

Less preprocessing: LLMs generally require less preprocessing of text for sentiment analysis compared to traditional NLP techniques.

comparative Performance

Studies have shown that LLMs generally outperform traditional NLP methods in sentiment analysis tasks:

1. In a study on Chinese financial sentiment analysis, LLMs demonstrated superior performance compared to traditional techniques.

2. An analysis of CBDC narratives by central banks found that LLMs, particularly ChatGPT, better reflected the stance identified by human experts compared to keyword / dictionary based methods.

3. For aspect-based sentiment analysis, deep learning-based techniques (including LLMs) have produced better outcomes than traditional ABSA methods.


While LLMs offer significant advantages, there are some considerations:

Computational resources: LLMs typically require more computational power and memory than traditional NLP methods.

Interpretability: Traditional methods may be more interpretable, which can be crucial in certain applications.

Domain-specific performance: In some specialized domains, carefully crafted traditional NLP approaches may still perform competitively with LLMs.

In conclusion, while traditional NLP methods for sentiment analysis remain relevant, LLMs have demonstrated superior performance in many scenarios, offering improved accuracy, contextual understanding, and versatility across languages and domains.

Custom Datasets for Fine Tuning LLMs for Sentiment Analysis

Custom datasets for fine-tuning in sentiment analysis offer several important advantages:

Domain-Specific Accuracy

Custom datasets allow models to be tailored to specific domains or industries. This is particularly valuable because:

Specialized vocabulary: Different sectors often use unique terminology or jargon that general models may not accurately interpret. For example, in the packaging industry, terms like “seal integrity” or “tamper-evident” might have specific sentiment implications.

Context-dependent sentiments: Words or phrases can have different sentiment connotations in various contexts. A custom dataset helps capture these nuances specific to a particular field or application.

Improved Performance

Fine-tuning on custom datasets can lead to significant performance improvements:

Higher accuracy: Models fine-tuned on domain-specific data often outperform general-purpose models.

Better handling of edge cases: Custom datasets can include examples of challenging or ambiguous cases specific to the domain, helping the model learn to handle these situations more effectively and improve its accuracy rate.

Addressing Specific Tasks

Custom datasets enable models to tackle specialized sentiment analysis tasks:

Aspect-based sentiment analysis: Fine-tuning on custom datasets allows models to identify sentiments related to specific aspects of products or services, providing more granular insights.

Emotion intensity: Custom datasets can be designed to capture and parse varying degrees of emotional intensity, allowing for more nuanced sentiment analysis.

Test Datasets for Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis relies on various test datasets to benchmark and refine models. Here are some widely used datasets:

  1. Stanford Sentiment Treebank (SST): This dataset contains movie review sentences labeled with sentiment on a scale of 1-5. It provides both binary (positive/negative) and fine-grained versions, useful for understanding sentiment polarity and evaluating the nuances of emotions, including sarcasm and negation.
  2. IMDb Movie Reviews Dataset: Comprising 50,000 movie reviews labeled as either positive or negative, this dataset is a benchmark for binary sentiment classification. It helps test models for their ability to understand sentiment in longer texts, such as emails or info texts, where negation or bias might play a significant role.
  3. Yelp Reviews Dataset: This dataset includes Yelp reviews with star ratings that can be converted into sentiment labels. It supports multi-class sentiment analysis, making it ideal for tasks like customer feedback analysis and measuring Net Promoter Score (NPS) using sentiment scores.
  4. Amazon Product Reviews : A vast collection of Amazon product reviews with star ratings, ideal for multi-class analysis. These reviews help in developing sentiment analysis systems for commercial applications, including customer feedback analysis and user feedback.
  5. Twitter Sentiment Analysis Dataset : This dataset contains tweets labeled with sentiment, making it valuable for analyzing short, informal text. It can detect subtle sentiment shifts, sarcasm, and urgency in social media conversations.
  6. Sentiment140 : A dataset of 1.6 million tweets annotated with sentiment (positive, negative, neutral). Useful for testing models on brief, text-based content where sentiment polarity is crucial, such as text analytics or translation tasks.
  7. SemEval Datasets : These datasets provide standardized sentiment analysis tasks across different domains and languages. They are useful for evaluating systems that handle multilingual content or specific entities, like happiness, urgency, or sarcasm detection. They typically include validation data within the corpus, in the form of gold labels – each assigned a similarity score (the gold label) that reflects the true degree of semantic similarity between them, as determined by human annotators.

When selecting a test dataset, consider the following:

  • Similarity to your target domain/application : For example, a sentiment analysis tool targeting customer support emails may benefit more from datasets like Yelp or Amazon reviews, while a Twitter-focused tool should leverage Twitter-specific datasets.
  • Number of classes (binary vs. multi-class) : A sentiment analysis system could vary greatly based on whether it processes binary or multi-class sentiment, including neutral or mixed emotions.
  • Text length and style: Consider whether your application deals with short texts (tweets) or longer formats (product reviews, emails).
  • Size of the dataset: Larger datasets like Sentiment140 or Amazon reviews can improve model training and generalization.
  • Presence of neutral or mixed sentiment : Datasets with a neutral class, like Sentiment140, are beneficial for a more comprehensive understanding of sentiment.

It’s often beneficial to test on multiple datasets to evaluate model generalization. You may also want to create a small custom test set that closely matches your specific use case.

Overcoming Limitations of Existing Tools

Custom datasets and fine-tuning can address shortcomings of pre-existing sentiment analysis tools:

Improved correlation: Some studies have found that existing sentiment analysis tools can be subjective and poorly correlated. Custom datasets and fine-tuning can help overcome these limitations.

Language-specific models: For languages with fewer resources, custom datasets are crucial. For example, fine-tuning transformer-based models on Bangla-specific datasets led to improved performance in sentiment analysis tasks.

Adaptability to Changing Trends

Custom datasets allow for continuous improvement and adaptation:

Evolving language use: Social media and online discourse constantly introduce new terms and expressions. Custom datasets can be updated to reflect these changes, keeping the model current.

Shifting sentiment patterns: Public opinion and sentiment expressions can change over time. Regular updates to custom datasets help models stay aligned with these shifts.

Custom datasets for fine-tuning in sentiment analysis provide the flexibility and specificity needed to achieve high performance in diverse applications, from industry-specific product reviews to nuanced emotion detection in social media posts.

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