Show us your skills! Qualify for Clickworker jobs with certificates

For the main part, being a Clickworker is about writing creative texts. There are plenty of tasks waiting to be processed. Clickworkers with sufficient writing experience can soon qualify as correctors. This qualification enables them to access and process more tasks.

But there are more ways of working as a Clickworker, for example as a translator or editor. Whether from your native language into another language or vice-versa, your task as a certified translator is to breathe life into numerous jobs. As a verified editor you are responsible for checking the quality of the texts submitted.

But how does the verification work? How can a normal Clickworker become an editor or translator and access new qualifications and jobs? Can you avoid taking some of the qualifications by presenting a very good certificate instead?

Clickworker jobs with certificates

Qualifications can be acquired by uploading a certificate. Select the item “Upload certificates of employment” for translations or copy editing sections in “Jobs”.

A window with instructions that you will have to accept will open.

In the translations section you can specify three language combinations that you are proficient in.  This is where the certificate comes into play. This does not include the CV with a “languages spoken” section. A reference from a previous employer that mentions your language skills or a graded university or adult education center language certificate. Only the above-mentioned types of certificates are permissible for the copy editing section also.

Clickworker jobs with certificates

The certificate must also specify the language you are proficient in. You must have gained C1 European standard or above..

Please do not upload samples of your work. They cannot be directly assigned to an individual and we therefore cannot accept them.

We will examine the certificates that have been uploaded. This will be indicated with a “completed” in the work history section. You can start right away, as the case may be.

Clickworker jobs with certificates

New tasks will appear in the job list for the languages specified. There might be times when there are no jobs available in these languages, but the certificate broadens the qualifications and promotes the scope of every Clickworker.


Angelina Conic

47 Kommentare

Ole Krog 07.01.2013, 17:38:54 Uhr


I do not have any certificates i either translation nor editing. Does this means that I cannot get any jobs from you even though I’m a very skilled and experienced author and translator?

Best regards, Ole

Daniel Marz 07.01.2013, 17:43:47 Uhr


Hei Ole,

No, you still can qualify for jobs and projects. Uploading a certificate is only an additional option to qualify. It is not mandatory. You can still go the “usual” way, meaning filling your profile properly and taking assessments.

Tiago 08.01.2013, 14:28:30 Uhr


I want to be an editor in my native language.
What kind of certificates can I upload?
Kind Regards,

Daniel Marz 08.01.2013, 16:03:00 Uhr


Hi Tiago,

Just take the assessment “Qualificação como autor de textos portugueses para a”. If you score good enough, you will be automatically awarded as editor for Portuguese texts.

Priscila 08.01.2013, 16:42:43 Uhr


It has been quite a long time since i registered and I can not still find any jobs available. My question is..Is there ever going to be any jobs available?

Ana 08.01.2013, 19:24:45 Uhr


I lost my certificates for a long time a go .It`s a basic english ,however for my studies i had to read several times in english and spanish.
did i have an opportunity ou i quite trying?

Marco Angelo 10.01.2013, 20:33:57 Uhr


I read in the news that I can offer myself as a translator but I can not find a way to register for the translation from English into Italian. How can I do? Thank you.

Gail Turley 11.01.2013, 03:04:35 Uhr


I studied Creative Writing, though my degree is in another subject. I have been writing articles for an online magazine for over two years, and I write three different blogs and have a couple things published at Associated Content. I don’t have any certificates however. I only recently joined and took what assessments were available. Is there any way what writing experience I have can help me obtain any more jobs?

joachimcm 12.01.2013, 04:23:33 Uhr


What’s the point of asking for documents uploading or people to take translations assessments while there are no tasks at all in that category? I have both successfully done the assessments and uploaded my certificate but I have never seen a translation task on CW. Worse, some translations were (and are still) available on UHRS, translations for which I am told by the staff I cannot qualify because I live in Germany whereas fellow clickworkers in Germany can still access the same tasks…
Just one question: in case I close my account, will my current balance still be paid or I should consider it lost?

Jan Meijer 12.01.2013, 14:15:45 Uhr


Hello to you all.
Last november I did an interactive test to qualify myself as a text corrector/editor (for Dutch). Result: C2! as you can see below. I did the same test for English, which is not my native language. Result: B2. Both results were mailed to me, so I don’t have any certificates. What to do next?
Kindest regards,
Jan Meijer.

Resultaat van jouw talenkennis

in het Nederlands

Bedankt voor jouw deelname aan de niveautest Nederlands via en Altissia.

Uw huidige kennis stemt overeen met het volgende Europese niveau:
Niveau C2 – Expert

Europese niveau

Beschrijving van het bereikte niveau:
Gefeliciteerd! Je beheerst de taal perfect! Ben je toevallig geen docent talen, taaltrainer of moedertaalspreker? Je kan vlot spreken over alle onderwerpen. Je drukt je spontaan uit en maakt hierbij gebruik van een zeer ruime woordenschat.

Ga naar het volgende niveau !
klik hier

Antoine Hauff 13.01.2013, 00:01:59 Uhr


Hallo,wie kann ich neue jobs für deutsche -französische Übersetzungen bekommen,also einfach sagen.Danke im voraus.

maria 13.01.2013, 18:11:23 Uhr



I’ve taken the assessment “Qualificação como autor de textos portugueses para a”. But I would like to take the assessment to become an english editor, as I work with both languages on a daily basis. Is that possible?

Andreea 14.01.2013, 02:10:11 Uhr


I just want to apply for the tranlating section i can’t find the Available jobs…Help

Jana Rademacher 14.01.2013, 15:05:03 Uhr


Dear Priscila,
if you still do not see any jobs, please send us an email at [email protected] so we can check your profile!

Jana Rademacher 14.01.2013, 15:06:45 Uhr


Dear Marco Angelo,
So far there is no assessment for English-italian translations, because we do not have any jobs in that field. What you can do is qualify as Italian author in order to write texts.

Jana Rademacher 14.01.2013, 15:07:52 Uhr


Dear Gail,
can you also please send an email to us at [email protected] so we can view your profile.Thanks!

Jana Rademacher 14.01.2013, 15:09:57 Uhr


Dear Joachim,
I am sorry there haven’t been any jobs lately. We also work on getting more input from our customers to provide you guys with more jobs.

If you close your account the money we still owe you will of course be paid to you.

Jana Rademacher 14.01.2013, 15:11:37 Uhr


Dear Jan,
Where did you take that test? Do you have no paper that proves you participated? I think you should also send us an email ([email protected]) so we can have a closer look at your profile!

Jana Rademacher 14.01.2013, 15:12:29 Uhr


Hallo Antoine,
leider haben wir keine Jobs im Bereich Deutsch-Französich-Übersetzungen. Aber das kann sich jeder Zeit ändern.

Jana Rademacher 14.01.2013, 15:14:00 Uhr


Dear Maria,
one can only take the assessment in ones native language or in order to qualify for the translation assessment. And because so far there is no translation assessment Port-Eng, you cannot do the English assessment.

Jana Rademacher 14.01.2013, 15:15:11 Uhr


Dear Andreea,
what kind of translations would you want to do? And which assessments have you done already? Write us an email at [email protected], so we can work it out!

Leon Broeckers 14.01.2013, 21:48:54 Uhr


ich arbeite als Lektor, habe aber keine Zertifikate. Besteht die Möglichkeit, trozdem Lektorenjobs zu erledigen?
Leon B.

Montague 17.01.2013, 10:05:09 Uhr



reicht denn das Abiturzeugnis als Sprachkundenachweis aus?

Jana Rademacher 17.01.2013, 11:03:15 Uhr


Hallo Leon,
man kann sich weiterhin über die von Clickworker angebotenen Qualifizierungen als Lektor auszeichnen. Bei den Zertifikaten handelt es sich lediglich um eine Zusatzqualifizierung für besondere Aufträge.

Jana Rademacher 17.01.2013, 11:04:25 Uhr


Lieber Montague,
leider reicht ein Abiturzeugnis nicht aus. Man sollte mindestens einen Nachweis über das europäische C2 Level haben.

Montague 20.01.2013, 14:31:21 Uhr



laut dem Text reicht Niveau C1 – vielleicht sollte das dann korrigiert werden.

Anne 21.01.2013, 21:17:45 Uhr



I want to register or qualify myself as a Dutch/English translator, but I haven’t been able to find a way to do that. Where can I find this? Or are there no such jobs?

Nadine 22.01.2013, 11:13:39 Uhr


Dear Anne,

As there are no jobs, the translation qualifications have been stopped at the moment. If there will be some, the qualifications may be opened again.

Tatiana Wiedemann 22.01.2013, 12:42:43 Uhr



Where can I find the translation jobs?
I do not have any certificates, however, I have an editor and translator for over 8 years.

Thank you and Kind Regards

Nadine Hampel 22.01.2013, 12:53:11 Uhr


Unfortunately, there are no translation jobs available at the moment. The certificates are additionally. You can qualify by doing the assessments as well. As there are no jobs in translation, there are no assessments online. Please be patient until this situation changes.

Adrián Calvo 24.01.2013, 17:10:06 Uhr


All the comments above are about negative experiences. This should be a matter of concern for those of us who want to start doing some of the tasks. Was this another just case case of “too good to be true”? That would certainly disappoint me.

Nadine 24.01.2013, 17:21:20 Uhr


The problem is that our clients have no translation-jobs in their pool, which they can give us. This is not in our hand, as we can not force them to need translations. We hope the situation changes soon.

Jana Rademacher 24.01.2013, 17:25:30 Uhr


Dear Adrián,
not all comments are about negative experiences. They are mostly questions about uploading certificates and the legitimation of documents. provides as many jobs as our clients order from us. Right now business is quite slow in most languages, but that will hopefully change soon. If you experience a concrete problem please send an email to us at [email protected].

Anna 01.02.2013, 20:45:13 Uhr



ich habe eine Frage, und zwar: Ich habe Germanistikstudium abgeschlosssen (Magistertitel). Wäre vielleicht mein Hochschulabschluss aureichend, um ihn als Arbeitsnachweis im Bereich der übersetzungen hochzuladen? ich habe schon reiche Erfahrung in diesem Bereich. Leider verfüge ich über kein Zertifikat. Danke im Voraus für Antwort.

humangrid 01.02.2013, 20:54:00 Uhr


@Anna: Ja, ein Hochschulabschlusstitel würde auch vollkommen ausreichen.

Anna 02.02.2013, 01:18:49 Uhr


Super, danke :)

sachin 08.02.2013, 10:34:10 Uhr


I have completed first assessment. But how to get the work? reply soon. Thank you.

Nadine Hampel 08.02.2013, 13:51:31 Uhr


Please send an email including your username to help(at) for such concerns.

Birgit 09.02.2013, 22:12:56 Uhr


Hallo. Ich interessiere mich fuer Uebersetzungen Englisch-Deutsch und Spanisch-Deutsch. Als Nachweis fuer Englisch kann ich Buecher angeben, die ich uebersetzt habe (es wird mein Name aufgefuehrt). Fuer Spanisch habe ich ein Sprachdiplom der allgemeinen Sprache aber ohne Einstufung, die gab es da noch nicht. Soll ich die Zertifikate einfach mal hochladen?
Danke und Gruesse

Nadine Hampel 12.02.2013, 10:47:30 Uhr


Wenn Sie eine Bescheinigung bzw. ein Arbeitszeugnis darüber haben, dass Sie das Buch übersetzt haben, wäre noch besser, aber ein Scan der Buchseite könnte sogar reichen, also einfach mal hochladen. Ein Sprachzertifikat ohne Einstufung ist schwierig. Vielleicht kann man bei der Institution in Erfahrung bringen, welchem Level das inzwischen entsprechen würde? Gruß

micaela 14.02.2013, 23:40:05 Uhr


Guten Abend, ich habe leider kein Zertifikat, da ich einfach “Mutter Sprache” bin (meine Mutter ist Deutsch) und ich arbeite seit 20 Jahren mit den deutschen Markt (als Kundebetreuer im Verkaufsabt.). Ich kann super uebersetzungen Deutsch-Italienisch durchfuehren. Danke (ich habe auch BWL studiert, aber das hat nichts mit den Uebersetzungen zu tun) Danke

Jana Rademacher 19.02.2013, 15:23:34 Uhr


Liebe Micaela,
momentan haben wir leider keine D-It-Übersetzungen. Wenn wir welche bekämen, würden wir einen Test einstellen über den man sich qualifizieren könnte. Wenn du also angegeben hast, dass du Deutsch sprichst wäre dieser Test (den es im Moment nicht gibt) für dich sichtbar. Das Hochladen von Diplomen ist nur eine Extraoption und nicht verpflichtend.

Cristina 10.03.2013, 12:22:54 Uhr


How can I upload my certificates? Thanks.

Nadine Hampel 19.03.2013, 11:49:07 Uhr


If you log in on, you can find the task “Upload certificates section Translation/Editing” in your joblist. Click on Start and follow the instructions.

Suguna 24.06.2013, 08:02:58 Uhr



I completed UHRS project assessments and base assesments. I got my UHRS account. I had a new task available at Marketplace. I took the qualification test. I didn’t qualified and I can’t able to complete the task. Is there any other way to complete it. When would I get new task. Can I create more than one UHRS account for me?. Thank you.

Daniel Marz 24.06.2013, 11:10:23 Uhr


Dear Suguna,

On UHRS, you qualify for each HitApp on its own. If you don’t pass, you cannot work in that particular HitApp, but this has no negative impact for other HitApps since they have their own qualifications. You should check from time to time if there are new HitApps available.

It is NOT possible to open more than one UHRS account.

Melissa 15.01.2014, 04:08:54 Uhr


I noticed that a great many of you have pretty terrible grammar. I am not saying this to be rude, but perhaps working on your skills will bring you better luck in the future.