Tax ID number

What is the TIN?

In the EU, each country has its own way of giving a Tax ID number (TIN) to people who pay taxes. There’s no one Tax ID for all of the EU. If you need your Tax ID, you might find it on your tax papers or by using online tax services.

Where can I find my TIN?

  • Look at your tax forms, like the income tax paper, to find your Tax ID.
  • Go online to your country’s tax website and log in to see your Tax ID.
  • If you need help, ask your tax office or look at the EU’s TIN website: EU’s TIN site.
  • Every country’s Tax ID is different, so be sure to check the rules for where you live.

Why do I need to provide my Tax ID?

The EU’s DAC7 Directive brings new rules for digital platforms to help fight tax fraud and improve tax cooperation between countries. Now, platforms have to report information about the money earned by people using the platform to sell things or services, like ride-sharing or food delivery. This is to make sure everyone pays the right amount of tax.

For this, platforms like clickworker need details like the Tax ID number (TIN) of the people earning money on the platform. They also need to report how much money these people make every quarter and any taxes or fees that are taken out. This helps tax offices keep track of earnings and taxes more accurately.

So, if you’re earning money through a digital platform in the EU, you need to give your TIN because the platform has to report it to the tax office. This is to make sure taxes are fair and everyone follows the rules.

What if I don’t provide my Tax ID?

Providing your valid Tax ID is a prerequisite to be paid.