Personalized Content – Short Conceptual Explanation

Personalized content is the content on a website that changes depending on the person who is visiting the website. The most common example is a website that displays local weather or news. However, it can also include ads that are displayed depending on a user’s cookie history, or items suggested in an online shop based on previous items viewed.

How personalized content is an effective marketing strategy

Creating personalized content requires businesses to create buyer personas. In order to do that, a business has to get to know their target audience. This enables businesses to create a more authentic connection with the visitors to their website by understanding them better, which in turn makes it an effective content marketing strategy.

The majority of businesses using personalized content report that their strategies are more effective than unpersonalized content. They are also more likely to rate their overall marketing strategy as more effective.

It can be more effective than other types of content. It has the ability to persuade users to remain on a page longer, because the content is tailored to their interests. The more personalized the content is, the more likely visitors will convert by signing up for an email newsletter, downloading an ebook, or making a purchase.

Content like SEO-Texts can also be ordered through text agencies such as clickworker.

Personalized Content
Personalized Content

Types of personalized content

Many forms of personalized content utilize cookies. These small files are stored on a computer and contain information about the user’s habits, like websites they visit and where they live. Using this information, a web developer can cater a website experience for every user.

A few examples include:

  • Landing pages that cater to different types of users
  • Ads that reflect items searched on the internet
  • Localized weather reports
  • Localized news stories
  • Blog articles that are recommended based on previously read articles
  • Items that are recommended based on previous items looked at in an eCommerce store
  • E-mail newsletters that target certain sets of contacts

Creating content that is personalized for each user

Creating personalized content starts with getting to know the target audience. That includes tracking the behaviors of visitors to a website by following what they look at and buy. Surveys are a good way for businesses to get to know their target audience, as is communicating with customers on social media.

Based on that information, a company must create segmented content for each demographic. For example, a fitness studio may create separate landing page content for different age groups. That content could advertise different classes depending on the age of the person visiting.

Once personalized content has been created and implemented, it is important to measure the results of the content. That way, it can be adjusted to make it as effective as possible.

Creating content that is personalized for each user